Almost there

It doesn’t seem possible to me that we will be moving in two months.  It seems so long ago that Bill was given this new assignment. We have been busy painting especially the trim in the house.  The people who owned the house before had painted all of the doors and trim a colonial blue color.  It just seemed to fit with the house and we never changed it.  Now we must since it should be neutral.  It does brighten things up and doesn’t look too bad, but it sure is a lot of painting.  Our household goods will be picked up at the end of the month and we will be “roughing it” with just the essentials until we make our way out west.  We are excited about the move. Billy tells me every day that he wants to move to New Mexico, but I know that he will miss Maryland.  It will be an adjustment, but we are trying to make things easier by looking for a house to rent since base housing has a long waiting list.  So we will enjoy Maryland for a little while longer. When Billy tells me he wants to go to New Mexico and asks what is taking so long, I will just say we’re almost there.

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