
We are painting and we had to take the door knob off of the bathroom door downstairs.  Baden likes bathrooms.  I keep all of the doors closed for this exact reason.  Baden is never very far from me so I can try to stop what he may do.  Well he escaped me.  I went into the downstairs bathroom.  Baden had been there.  Toilet paper and a  turkey baster were in the toilet.  I am not sure how he got the baster, but he did.  Okay so I threw the baster out and went on with my day.  Later I was upstairs.  I went into the hallway bathroom and opened the lid on the toilet. Baden struck again.  A very soggy Elmo was staring at me.  I rescued Elmo and got him in the washer.  Luckily the toilet upstairs is low flow so there isn’t much water.  I think back when Billy was Baden’s age and he never went into the bathroom.  I guess he just didn’t care.  I wonder if that is why it was so hard to potty train him? So if my theory is correct, Baden should be a breeze to potty train. I sure hope so.

One thought on “Surprise”

  1. At least Elmo is on his way to being potty trained. Your theory though may not be quite right. Brighton played in the bathroom and potty trained at 3 or so. Peyton never played in there and potty trained at 2.

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