Lost and found

Baden is in the nursery at church.  He does pretty good.  I will stop by and check on him through the window to make sure he is okay.  He is usually playing and looks content.  Today, he escaped.  As I was sitting in Relief Society, my friend brought Baden to the door.  I thought he must need a diaper change. Nope, he had opened the door and was wandering around the foyer.  I took him back into the nursery and went back to Relief Society.  Then a member of our bishopric came by the RS door and motioned for me to come and talk to him. He told me that no one in the nursery knew the child that I brought in.  I looked at him and said, “It’s Baden! Baden Powell.”  He looked at me and started laughing.  I have to admit I did too.  I guess they didn’t think Baden was my child since to them he doesn’t look like me. This was a little bit of a stinger, but that ‘s okay.  He even said to me well he doesn’t have brown hair so he couldn’t be yours.  I said he looks just like Bill but with hair. (Sorry, Bill 🙂  Well things were all straightened out and there were many apologies.  I don’t blame the nursery workers who were all substitutes today.  I know what it is like to be in nursery.  I was the  nursery leader for a year and half.  It’s hard to keep one eye on the door and one eye on all of the kids.  It’s a tough calling, but I know that the children are well taken care of and loved.  Maybe instead of Baden, we should just call him Houdini.

2 thoughts on “Lost and found”

  1. That is hilarious! Poor Baden. Nobody recognizes him. I guess he has his own look. Thinking about you guys. We are moving again in June too. Isn’t moving fun?!

  2. Funny Funny! Sounds like you have your hands full with this little one! I love it! Keep up the great posts. It’s fun to see what kind of trouble the cousins get into as well. You’ll be glad you wrote all these little things down- we sure are happy that you share with us. It’s great to keep tabs on you guys. Love ya!

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