
The last two days we have had thunderstorms roll through the area.  Billy does not like storms.  I think it’s more the possibility of the lights going out and he gets afraid.  This started when we were in Oklahoma last year visiting my parents.  A tornado hit in the east part of town.  My parents live in the north part of town so no damage, but we lost power until about 4 am.  Billy was really upset so we decided to say a prayer.  We went to sleep and then the power was on when we woke up.  Billy saw the power of prayer.  Well the last two days he has been an example to me.  When it started thundering and lightening on Monday evening, he said Mommy, let’s say a prayer.  So we did.  The storm passed and we were okay.  Yesterday afternoon another storm came through.  Billy again suggested prayer.  The storm lessened and went through.  He said to me God hears me when I pray.  This makes me feel so good that he is learning the simple truths and knows that a loving Heavenly Father is watching over him.

5 thoughts on “Prayers”

  1. That is so sweet and I too can’t wait to have you guys all closer. He is such a precious little guy and so is Baden. Sylvia is so right about the power of prayer. Tell Billy that Bebe is proud of him for asking you to pray with him.

  2. I believe that God hears and answers children’s prayers in a much different way than us “hairy legged” adults. They have a special spot in his heart . . . just my opinion.

  3. I concur with Tina! He has that special spot for the youth too! There was a doozie of a storm coming through girls camp one year. All the girls prayed to be spared from this storm and it totally went around us. Around as in looking at the radar map the storm encircled us completely and we were free from it in the center of the circle.

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