Roughing It

It’s been a week since the packers came. They wanted to pack everything. If it wasn’t bolted down, they wanted to put it in a box.  So we hope that everything makes it in one piece to New Mexico. Billy was worried about his toys and wanted to make sure they would be on the truck.  He was concerned other kids would be playing with his toys. I told him they are sealed in a box and will be there when we get to our new home.  When I was little I always thought unpacking boxes was a little like Christmas.  Things I hadn’t seen in a month or two were like new.  Of course, unpacking is also a great way to declutter and I plan on doing that too.  I decluttered a lot before we packed, but we still seemed to have a lot of stuff.  It makes me wonder where all of the stuff came from and why did I need it all.  We are “camping out” in the house.  Base camp is the guest room.  We have all of our essentials including the Wii.  Because if we didn’t have the Wii, we would really be roughing it and that would be no fun at all.

4 thoughts on “Roughing It”

  1. Wow, this makes it seem real . . . . I’ll miss you!! but we’ll still see you in blog land, right? How long do you have until you pull out?

  2. I will still be in blog land for sure. Just think of all the things I will be able to blog about. 🙂 We will be here until June 15th so another few weeks.

  3. reading this brought back all the memories of the moves we made some small most of them were large. We had garbage that was ready to take out to the trash can disappear only to reappear when we got to the other end I think I ended up having to throw away most of the other stuff that was packed!! UGH! Some moves were easier than others but we learned by experience to good to the packers and movers :).Air Force life can be challenging but a good life over all.

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