Mother’s Day at the Dunows

We celebrate Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, but I guess it isn’t to the same degree as others.  Bill does not like cards.  He thinks Hallmark and any other card makers have made up holidays so people will buy more cards. (By the way, did  you know that the week before Christmas and Mother’s Day are the busiest times at the post office.)  So yesterday with little fanfare, we celebrated Mother’s Day. We went to church and then had a great lunch before Bill headed out to the base for his alert shift. No breakfast in bed, but I don’t really have a  bed right now so no big deal. Plus I have never understood the appeal of breakfast in bed.  Anyway,  Bill and I got a Garmin Nuvi 760 GPS.  It’s way cool.  It has MP3 and Bluetooth capabilities.  We used it yesterday to find our way to church. 🙂  This present is for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and our anniversary.  The best gift, though, came from Billy. He has an awesome Pre-K teacher. She took a picture of each of the kids and then the kids painted a terra cotta pot with their fingerprints which were then made into ladybugs, caterpillars, etc…  Then inside the pot was a flower with Billy’s picture in the middle of the flower.  I know this sounds corny, but it made me teary eyed.  I love it!  His smile is so cheesy and just perfect.  It is a treasured keepsake.  So Mother’s Day was great and my boys are great.  They make me crazy, but most of all they make me want to be a better mom and I love them so  much.  


3 thoughts on “Mother’s Day at the Dunows”

  1. Sometimes the simpliest gift are truly the best ones. Also not a big breafast in bed fan…don’t like having crumbs on my sheets. Cute picture 🙂

  2. I can’t believe how long you are going to be without your furniture!!! You are definately roughing it!

    Glad you had a great mother’s day . . . and glad we are the only ones who think it’s a “made-up” day!

  3. Spider man, Spider man, spins a web like a spider can. Look up there on the stand, Hey there- it’s Billy and Spider man!!!

    He may not have sang the song for you but we enjoyed him!

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