Up and Away

On the first Friday of the month, the International Balloon Museum in Albuquerque is free so off we went to check it out.  It’s a neat museum with a hot air balloon simulator, hands on exhibits for the kids, and actual balloons that have been flown all over the world.  The boys enjoyed it a lot and Billy even requested to come  back and see it again.

Posing in a hot air balloon. Bebe had to hold Baden up so we could see him.
Making a Lego balloon
Baden and Billy hard at work
Bebe and her Lego hot air balloon
Baden trying to see if his "aircraft" will fly
Billy testing his "aircraft" on the flying table
Flying in the hot air balloon simulator

A Saturday Outing

On Saturday, we took a drive to the  Jemez Mountains with our east coast friends, the Gacks.  The mountains are beautiful and the weather was perfect.  We found a meadow for the kids to play in and run around. They had a good time exploring and just being outdoors.  We later made our way to Los Alamos. It’s a sleepy little town that is home to Los Alamos National Laboratory where the atomic bomb was designed and built.  We then headed to Santa Fe for dinner.  It was a nice excursion on a beautiful New Mexico day.

Soda Dam
The Meadow
The log was a big attraction
Billy and Baden having fun
Bill flying a kite
Smile for the camera

“I’m in First Grade Now!”

Today was Billy’s graduation from Kindergarten.  What a milestone.  I remember all those months ago in August when I cried when he got on the bus on the first day of school.  Now he is on his way to first grade.  The ceremony was nice with the kids singing songs and then as they crossed the stage they said their name and got a diploma.  It was a great day and I am so thankful I was able to be there along with Bebe (my mom) and Baden.

Our graduate
Bebe and Baden waiting for the graduation to start
Strawberry cake, yummy!
Billy, Baden and Ms. Griego, Billy's teacher

Happy Anniversary

Sixteen years ago today on a beautiful day in Dallas, Texas, Bill and I were married at the Dallas, Texas Temple.  The skies were the bluest you would ever see and the weather was perfect.  We have had a lots of ups and downs, but mostly ups.  We have three great kids and are so blessed to be close to our families.  Last year, we were preparing to move to New Mexico so I couldn’t put our wedding picture up on the blog so here’s a blast from the past — a wedding picture of the way we looked on that great day.  It’s been a great 16 years and I know we will have many more.

Let’s blow this joint

What an ordeal!  I went in for a  bowel resection surgery on April 27th and now I am finally home. I had some complications.  I had three abscesses that popped up so I had to have drains put in.  The first one did the trick, but then there was in my back that wasn’t drain like they wanted it to so another drain was put in.  I got that drain taken out today.  I was praying really hard that I wouldn’t have another drain put in, but unfortunately I had to have a drain put in where the first was put in.  I hope this one does the trick. I made a deal with the doctor. I would let him put this drain in and I would get to go home.  It’s not a bad deal. I will have home health care checking on me and I go back next Thursday for a CT scan to see if the drain is working.  I don’t usually solicit prayers, but I really could use them.  I just want this all to be over with. I am just glad that I am home.  Being in the hospital almost a month is enough to drive a person crazy. I wrote a lot while I was there and despite what people think watching TV and eating in bed is no picnic.  It is nice to be able to walk around without having to push an IV pole around.  When Bill came to get me today, he said let’s blow this joint.  That’s exactly how I felt. I am sure he is glad that he doesn’t have to drive down every day to see me.  It can be quite a chore.  I am just thankful that my mom is here to help with the boys and take care of things around the house.  Bill has been awesome throughout all of this especially as he is finishing up two college courses plus working.  I don’t think you ever realize how much family means until you are away from them.  When I got home today, Baden gave me a big hug and if I sat on the couch he would come and snuggle with me.  When Billy got home from school, he ran in the house and gave me a big hug and a kiss. I am just so thankful to be home and I want to stay!

Petroglyph National Monument

On the west side of Albuquerque there is a unique placed called the Petroglyph National Monument.  As you look out over the Albuquerque skyline,  you are standing among ancient ruins.    Petroglyph National Monument protects a variety of cultural and natural resources including volcanos, archeological sites and an estimated 20,000 carved images. Many of the images are recognizable as animals, people, brands and crosses; others are more complex.   Petroglyphs are rock carvings (rock paintings are called pictographs) made by pecking directly on the rock surface using a stone chisel and a hammerstone. When the “desert varnish” on the surface of the rock was pecked off, the lighter rock underneath was exposed, creating the petroglyph. Archaeologists have estimated there may be over 25,000 petroglyph images along the 17 miles of escarpment within the monument boundary.It is estimated 90% of the monument’s petroglyphs were created by the ancestors of today’s Pueblo Indians. Puebloans have lived in the Rio Grande Valley since before 500 A.D., but a population increase around 1300 A.D. resulted in numerous new settlements. It is believed that the majority of the petroglyphs were carved from about 1300 through the late 1680s.

We definitely need to do some more exploring, but this was a fun activity on a beautiful day.

Easter in Utah

This year we ventured north to Utah for an Easter filled with family and fun.  While the guys and Jessica were out shooting, some of the kids decorated eggs.  Baden loved this activity and wanted all the eggs for himself.  Luckily, his cousins managed to get a few decorated, too.  Then it was off to Moab for an Easter Egg Hunt at the campground where Kim and her family were camping for the weekend.  We had a barbecue and then let the kids hunt for eggs filled with candy, bubbles and other fun things.  They had a great time.  While some of the family had to leave to go back up North, we ventured south to Bluff.  The kids played in the sand and became rock climbers.  They loved this.  Then it was back home to reality on Tuesday.  It was a fun trip even though the weather didn’t cooperate. It was windy and cold, but it was fun to spend time with Bill’s family.

Baden the egg decorating artist
Getting the eggs just right
The finished product
Lining up for the Easter Egg Hunt
Scrambling for eggs
Checking out the goodies
The great egg hunter(with an orange sode mustache)
The Easter Bunny was here!
A sleepy, but happy bunny
Jessica getting to experience our "bunny ears" tradition
Playing in the sand at Sand Island in Bluff
Lil' Rock Climbers

Little Chefs

For Christmas, Bill got an alien pizza kit.  If you didn’t know, Bill believes he was abducted by aliens so this pizza kit is right up his alley.  The boys helped him make the pizza with a green crust and purple sauce.  Unfortunately, I was in the hospital so didn’t get to taste the creation but heard it was good. The boys had a really good time helping dad in the kitchen.

Little Chefs
Pepperoni Time
Perfect placement
Headed to the oven

My boys

I love my boys.  They keep me laughing and they give the best hugs and kisses.  They both seem to understand that I do not feel well and they show me compassion.  They also do and say funny things.

The Cookie Thief: While I was in the hospital, Bill took Baden to Walmart. As they were walking down the aisle, Bill looked down and Baden was eating a cookie.  This was before Valentine’s Day so there was a big display of cookies in the bakery section.  Baden opened one of the boxes and took a cookie. Bill went back, found the box and bought it.

Fat Legs: Because of all of the fluids pumped into me during my hospital stay I came home with very swollen legs.  When I got home from the hospital, I was in my room changing into a pair of pajama bottoms.  Billy walked in and said wow, mommy you have legs like a fat lady!  Thanks, Billy. 🙂

Women: Billy was trying to hide in the car, but I saw him and called him out.  He said how did you know I was there? I said I just know. He said yeah you must know because your a woman. Glad he’s learning these things early.

B: Baden calls Billy “B”.  He sees the bus coming down the road in the afternoon and he starts saying B, B!  It’s so cute. Billy doesn’t really like it and we are working on getting Baden to say Billy, but for now it works.

There are days I want to hide out, but I wouldn’t trade my boys for anything.