Baden is becoming more and more vocal. He has always said mama and dada, but he also copies whatever Billy says. His favorite word right now is McDonald’s. If we drive past Walmart which has a McDonald’s inside then he will say McDonald’s. It doesn’t matter if there are golden arches or not. His favorite character is Melmo (Elmo). We went to breakfast with my parents before they went home and Baden wanted some jelly on his french toast. He dropped some of it on the table and out came, “Oh, crap.” I blame this one on Bill. 🙂 He likes to hide and when calling his name, he won’t come out. He smiles really big when we find him especially since he was in the room the whole time. It’s fun watching him learn something new every day.
Billy and I have some interesting conversations in the morning especially when waiting for the bus to arrive. This morning while getting his socks on, he told me that feet don’t care which sock you put on. It doesn’t matter to them. I had never thought about this before. Then he sneezed and got some flim on his hand. I know, gross, but he said it was because of the cake he ate at school yesterday with lunch. Ok. I never thought I would hear him say “pizza again” when asked what is for lunch tomorrow. He has elaborate plans on how he wants me to follow the buses of his friends so he can see where they live. I think that is called stalking. It has gotten chilly here in the East Mountains so no more shorts. But for two days straight Billy insisted he was going to wear shorts. The first day I told him no and he went ahead and put jeans on. Then the next day, he did it again. I told him sorry, but he told me that he had to wear shorts because he had gym and you can’t skip in pants. I have also learned what you can do when you are eight. When you are eight you can get a job, be a Cub Scout, get your own food and drinks, not sit in a booster chair in the car, be baptized and be a big kid.
I think I need to keep a notebook close by so I can write down everything they say or do. I guess a good blogger does that anyway. 🙂