About two weeks ago, I told Baden his birthday was coming. He said ooh, cake. I said you want cake and he said Spongebob cake. So for the past two weeks when asked what he wanted for his birthday, he said Spongebob cake. Well, Saturday rolled around and it was Baden’s big day. He turned 3! The day he was born he was so tiny and had long, skinny legs. He was beautiful. Now he is the cutest thing ever and has chunky legs. He runs everywhere. He makes us laugh. He follows Billy everywhere. He likes to do what Billy does. He loves his big brother. For his birthday, we headed out to the Turquoise Trail. We had lunch in Madrid (where the film Wild Hogs was filmed) and then to Cerrillos to the Turquoise Mine and Petting Zoo. Quite a combination. We didn’t make it to the mine, but the petting zoo although small was fun. It’s always fun when there are goats. We had fun feeding the goats and petting them. Then it was back to the house for what else, Spongebob cake. Baden loved opening his presents and of course eating cake. Happy Birthday, Baden!
Edge of the Cedars
While in Utah we went to the Edge of the Cedars State Park in Blanding. Edge of the Cedars State Park is the site of a pre-Colombian Pueblo Indian ruin and a modern museum, which is the regional archaeological repository for southeast Utah. Remains of the Ancestral Pueblo Indian Village with its unique architectural structures is a testament to the Indian civilization that once flourished in southeastern Utah. Edge of the Cedars museum houses an excellent collection of Anasazi pottery and other exceptional ancient Indian artifacts. Additional exhibits display cultural materials and information about Navajo and Utah Indians. It’s a really interesting museum. It has so many artifacts and displays. The boys really seemed to enjoy it especially the great house and the sun “dial”.
A drive to remember
Bill loves showing off the beauty of San Juan County, Utah. When we went up to Utah for our annual 24th of July celebration camping trip we invited our friends, the Gacks. We were stationed together at Andrews. The Gacks are diehard East Coasters. We wanted to show them that West is Best. 🙂 What better way to show them then on a drive in the country. Bill loves showing off the beauty of San Juan County where he was born and raised. I am not one for long drives over roads that have one side mountain and the other side nothing. It’s just not my thing, but being the good sport I am I hopped in the truck with a minimal amount of complaining. I also brought a book (Hunger Games which I highly recommend). Anyway, it was a beautiful day and even though there were some thunder clouds and a little bit of rain, the Gacks really got to see the beauty that is the west.
Small town parades
Every year Monticello, Utah where Bill was born and raised hosts a Pioneer Day celebration. When we lived on the east coast we always tried to make it out to Utah during this time. Now that we live so close, we are making it an annual trip. The best part of the Pioneer Day celebration is the parade. There is nothing better than a small town parade. We gather our bags for all the candy that is thrown, we get up close and personal with the floats and we have a great time. You definitely aren’t going to get candy at the Macy’s Day parade. Nobody can throw it because the balloons would float away. You will always hear a siren go off at a small town parade along. Where else will you see tractors in a parade? Definitely not at the Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena. It’s a great slice of small town life.
It was orange and had lines
As I watching the news, Billy came running out of his room. Mommy, there’s something in my room. He ran to our room and jumped in our bed. Baden and I looked in his room and didn’t see anything. Billy was really freaked out. He was so freaked out that he started freaking me out which made him start to cry. I asked him what he saw. He said it was orange and had lines. He said it wasn’t an alligator or an elephant. I was happy to hear that. I sent Bill to look in his room and he didn’t see anything, but Billy insisted there was something there. As he calmed down and we determined that there probably wasn’t anything in his room, I went in to get pajamas. As I was picking up toys, I spied it. It was definitely orange and it had lines. It wasn’t an alligator or an elephant or even a donkey like Billy said. It was a ……
While Bill is away…
The boys and I headed east to Oklahoma last week to visit my mom and dad. It’s so nice to be able to hop in the car and go visit. We spent a week with them just hanging out. Mom and I got a pedicure which has kind of become a tradition for us during our summer visits. Grandpa taught Billy how to play Bakugan. Mom and I took the boys bowling. They had a great time. Billy got a strike and proclaimed I am the best bowler in all of Oklahoma! He beat me in the second game 114 to 107. Maybe Wii bowling is paying off. 🙂 We got to eat Bebe’s famous pancakes. Billy asked me how many pieces he needed to eat and I said 6 because that’s how old you are. As he was fiddling around and not eating, Grandpa said you better eat your six pieces. Billy said well you have to eat 100 pieces because that’s how old you are. Everyone including Dad got a good laugh out of that one. It was a good week. I didn’t get to take the camera. Bill took it to scout camp. I am pleased to say he survived his 17th scout summer camp.
A year already
It’s official. We have been in New Mexico a year now. It doesn’t seem that long ago that we were getting ready for the move. We were living like squatters in our house in Maryland waiting for the phone to ring for those coveted showings. Then the day finally arrived and we were on our way. Now a year has passed and I can say we are loving New Mexico. I have always felt more comfortable on the other side of the Mississippi River. I just love the Southwest. Being able to look out my kitchen window and see a beautiful mountain is so cool. Looking up in the sky and being able to see the stars is another joy. The best thing is being so close to our family. It has been a blessing to be able to have them so close especially as I was dealing with my illness and surgery. Yep, I think New Mexico is a perfect fit.
Something new in the driveway
Americans have always had a love affair with their cars. Out here in the west, you need a truck. Not just any truck, but a big truck. We definitely needed a bigger truck and one that had 4 wheel drive. It is a necessity here in the mountains. We finally broke down and bought a new truck. We have been debating about buying a new truck since we moved here. We got a pretty good deal and a really cool truck.
We’re so glad when daddy comes home
Another Saturday Adventure
After a stop at the dump, we headed up to Cibola National Forest. We ate lunch and enjoyed the scenery even though the wind was blowing. Then we found a little stream and got out for some pictures. Next time we will come prepared and be able to play in the water. We then headed up to Sandia Peak. It was really windy up there and I felt like I was going to blow away. Also the fact that I don’t really like heights kept me in the middle of the observation deck while the boys stood on the railings. I think I am a flat lander. I love the mountains, but not the height part. Going down the mountain is my favorite part. 🙂 All in all it was another fun Saturday outing.