Thursday was Tax Day. A perfect day to protest and show the government how unhappy we are. But some people just don’t get it. One is President Obama or as I affectionately call him BO. At a Democratic fundraiser in Miami on Thursday night, he told supporters he is amused by the protesters’ complaints about taxes because, contrary to their claims, he’s cut taxes. “You would think they’d be saying thank you,” the president said. Yeah, right. The Tea Party protests across the nation were not all about taxes and it was about taking control of our country. The government spending is out of control. The recently passed health care reform bill is not reform. BO has shunned one of our greatest allies, Israel. Government is becoming more pervasive in our lives. We don’t need government to tell us what to do. The United States has always been a nation of go getters. We were founded on the premise that everyone has the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Everyone in this country has the opportunity to make their lives better without the help of the government. Unfortunately there are many in this country that feel they deserve a handout. I have heard stories from my grandparents who grew up during the Depression. They didn’t get handouts. They had to make due with what they had and they did. There was no complaining and there was no feeling that the government was going to pay their bills. This is what the Tea Party is all about. As Americans. we have sat on the sidelines way too long and let Washington do whatever they wanted. We cannot afford to do that any longer. There are radicals in the White House. They want to control every aspect of our lives. We cannot stand by and let this happen. The Tea Parties are not going away and they certainly won’t be telling BO thank you.
It is amazing how much “stirring of the pot” this man has been able to do. He honestly has me scared to death! I won’t be saying thank you! Some of the things he says are just plain ludicrous.
Ya! I concure whole heartedly!