Since having surgery in April I have found myself referring to before I was in the hospital (BH) and after I was in the hospital. It’s funny to me that I refer to things in those terms. I so wanted to get out of the hospital and now it has become a huge part of my vocabulary. I have had Crohn’s Disease for 14 years now and finally had to have surgery. I knew going into it that it would be worth it. I wasn’t prepared for the three abscesses and three drains that I had to deal with over the course of three weeks. Now that I am healing and feeling better every day I still use the word hospital to refer to before and after my surgery. I don’t even want to step foot in a hospital, but hospitals have been a big part of my life the last six months. So the last six months have been before hospital and after hospital. That’s how I remember things. This year I was in the hospital for a total of 31 days. That’s a lot and something I wasn’t expecting. I am looking forward to the time I will be able to stop referring to things as BH and AH, but until then I am thankful for my health and the ability to heal.
I think we all do the same thing . . . . major occurences become reference points! Births, marriages, traumas, joys! Glad you are AH!