The nerve

As Arizona is trying to do what Washington, DC is suppose to be doing which is secure the border, our illustrious president and secretary of state have included Arizona S.B. 1070 in the Universal Periodic Review report submitted to the United Nations  Human Rights Council.  This is an outrage.  The federal government has already sued Arizona and now they are taking it to the international community.  The United Nations Human Rights Council is composed of 47 countries.  Some of the countries on the council include Cuba, China and Libya.  Libya is ranked Not Free by Freedom House (  It was one of only nine countries to receive the worst possible score of 7 for political rights and civil liberties.  It is considered one of the “world’s most repressive societies.  China scored a 7 out of a possible 7 for political rights and a 6 out of 7 for civil liberties. It is considered not free and has increased restrictions on online writers and democracy activists among others.  Cuba also received the same scores as China and is considered not free.  These three examples are sitting on the UN Human Rights Council.  This council will be reviewing what the State Department calls “a partial snapshot of the current human rights situation in the United States, including some of the areas where problems persist in our society.”   This is one more example of the Obama administration being totally out of touch with the majority of American citizens.  The majority of American citizens are in favor of the Arizona law. The majority of American citizens don’t want the United Nations interfering in our country’s business.   Arizona governor, Jan Brewer, has sent a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton asking that S.B. 1070 be removed from the report.  I doubt this letter will get much traction. The Arizona bill will still be included and it will be judged by the likes of great human rights “champions” like Cuba, Libya, China and others on the council that don’t make the mark.

3 thoughts on “The nerve”

  1. When I heard about this, is was a pretty jaw dropping moment for me! You are right, WHAT THE NERVE! I think that most of those foreign countries probably understand borders more than our current leader!

  2. This is a complete outrage and both the President and Sec. of State need complete psychiatric evaluations for mental incompentance. The Federal Government has failed Arizona and the rest of the United States.

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