
I recently posted a story on our family blog about a shopping incident.  I really feel bad that I did not do the right thing and take the opened container to the customer service counter, but like I said in the post I panicked.  Well I have received comments, but one in particular really got me.  It basically said that I had shown my boys that it was okay to hide things when I didn’t want to deal with the situation.  Well this person may be correct, however, they posted as anonymous.  The comment is not really at issue, but the fact the “person” posted so they would not be known.  It makes me wonder is this someone I know? Did they post anonymous so it wouldn’t hurt my feelings? I would much rather know who it is.  Why post an anonymous comment when you have to know that it will most likely be deleted and never shown? I just don’t get it.  I am rather irritated about this and will probably get over it very soon, but since this is my musings and rant blog, I decided to rant.  People who comment anonymously are cowards.  They are usually saying something that would probably never be said to a person’s face, but they think they can get away with it in cyberspace.  If you have something say, say it, but don’t be a coward and do it behind a mask of anonymity.

6 thoughts on “Anonymous”

  1. It’s kind of ironic isn’t it? You hid the product . . . they hid their name . . . . if they didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, they would have just added their name wouldn’t you think?

    You are a gutsy girl Jana, totally honest, even in cyberspace . . . you go girl!

  2. Anonymous comments are only slightly worse than blog stalkers who read and don’t leave any comment…don’t put too much thought or energy into it…I always enjoy your posts 🙂

  3. I was curious–so I went and read your other blog to hear the story. If it makes you feel any better, we all do things like that sometimes. The commissary employees have probably seen much worse. My kids have accidentally dropped and shattered glass containers in the aisles (which I did not pay for–I was told there was no need to) and once Lucie barfed all over the cart and floor when I was in the dairy aisle. Accidents happen. Mistakes happen.

  4. I too have seen much worse in the commissary and civilian grocery stores and I have would have done the same thing you did. I doubt very seriously that the boys even noticed what you did so don’t let it bother you. In fact I mentioned this incident to a couple of my friends and they said they would have done the same thing.
    I think putting a comment as anonymous is also cowardly.

  5. I didn’t even know one could put in a comment annonymously! Go figure, if one can send an annonymous note in the mail why not one through cyber-space too.

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