I love popcorn. I love popcorn that is fresh and buttery. I usually keep a handle on my love for popcorn and have a handful here and there. It all ended Thursday and thus has ended my love affair with popcorn forever. I took the boys to Target so Billy could spend his gift card he got from his Uncle Jeff and Tia Blanca. I was hungry and the popcorn smelled so good so we got some. As we walked through the aisles leaving a trail of popcorn, I was enjoying the time with the boys. Then we got home and there was still half a bag of popcorn left. Usually Billy will eat the rest or Bill will when he gets home, but not today. No, I ate the rest of the bag. By 5:00 pm, I was feeling it. My stomach ached. I did manage to make it to book club. Friday morning was tough. My stomach hurt so bad. Most of you know that I have Crohn’s disease so eating popcorn is not something I should really be doing, but sometimes you just do it because you want some popcorn. This time the popcorn did me in. I am still hurting as those pesky little kernels make their way through my cobblestoned, scarred intestinal tract. (Pretty picture, right?) After spending way too much time in the bathroom which I already spend too much time in anyway and having my heating pad attached almost the whole day, I have decided to go cold turkey. No more popcorn. I can’t take the agony. It’s horrible. So goodbye Mr. Redenbacher. Thanks for the memories.
Jana…you can now be my best friend…I hate popcorn so I can totally keep you off of it 🙂 I hate popcorn so much that I don’t even own a microwave…so no one will try to pop that stuff in my house.
Oh man I feel for you! Popcorn is the best snack in the world! TO have to quit eating it has got to be killer!